December 09, 2011


Welcome to "HACKING begins - An approach to introduce people with the truth of HACKING". Today in this article I'll show you some useful commands of GOOGLE CHROME.

Most Useful Google Chrome Browser chrome:// Commands 

  • chrome://flags  

From here you can enable some of the experimental features that are hidden in the Google Chrome browser. Please note that as mentioned on this page, since these are experimental, these might not work as expected and might cause issues. 

  • chrome://dns

This displays the list of hostnames for which the browser will prefetch the DNS records.

  • chrome://downloads
This is also available from the Menu -> Downloads. Short cut key is Ctrl+J
  • chrome://extensions

This is also available from the Menu -> Tools -> Extensions

  • chrome://bookmarks

This is also available from the Menu -> Bookmarks -> Bookmark Manager. Short cut key is Ctrl+Shift+O

  • chrome://history

This is also available from the Menu -> History. Short cut key is Ctrl+H

  • chrome://memory

This will redirect to “chrome://memory-redirect/”. This will display the memory used by Google chrome browser, and all other browsers running on the system (including firefox).

  • chrome://net-internals

This displays all networking related information. Use this to capture network events generated by the browser. You can also export this data. You can view DNS host resolver cache.
  • chrome://quota-internals

This gives information about the disk space quote used by the browser, including the break down of how much space the individual websites took under temporary files.
  • chrome://sessions

This displays the number of sessions and magic list that are currently running.
  • chrome://settings

This is also available from the Menu -> Options (on Windows), and Menu -> Preferences (on Linux). From here you can control various browser related settings.
  • chrome://sync-internals

This gives information about the chrome sync feature, including the Sync URL used by google, and sync statistics.

 Hope this was informative, kindly post your views or comments on this article.

Be a real hacker - PROFESSIONAL, and change the trend of HACKING.

Thanks & Regards:

Sahil Mahajan.


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