December 03, 2011


Welcome to "HACKING begins - An approach to introduce people with the truth of HACKING".
Metaspoit Framework is a open source penetration tool used for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine it, Metasploit frame work has the world's largest database of public, tested exploits. In simple words, Metasploit can be used to test the vulnerability of computer systems in order to protect them and on the other hand it can  alsobe used to break into remote systems.

 Its a powerful tool used for penetration testing. Learning to work with metasploit needs a lot of efforts and time. Ofcourse to can learn metasploit overnight, it needs lots of practice and patience

Download here(windows user)

Download here(linux user)

Note : I personally recommend you to use BT5 for Metasploit. 

 Steps to use Metasploit
  • Find the target and find vulnerability.
  • Verify the exploit options to determine whether the target system is vulnerable to the exploit.
  • Select a payload
  • Execute the exploit.

Step 1 : Vulnerability -A weakness which allows an attacker to break into or compromise a system's security.

Step 2: Exploit - Code which allows an attacker to take advantage of a vulnerability system.

 Step 3: Payload- Actual code which runs on the system after exploitation.

 Download Book :: Metasploit

Hope this was informative, kindly post your views or comments on this article.

Be a real hacker - PROFESSIONAL, and change the trend of HACKING.

Thanks & Regards:

Sahil Mahajan. 

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