June 27, 2011


Welcome to (HACKING begins - "An approach to introduce people with the truth of HACKING"),In this articles I'll tell you how can you gather information of target with Mozilla Firefox. We all know HACKERS first job is to gather information related to Target. And to
do this HACKERS use number of tools now for this MOZILLA is also in queue to find Information related to Target.

The Information Gathering includes the following

Domian and IP, Open Ports, Daemon Banner Grabbing, OS Finger Printing, Server name and Type.

Many of poeple use Nmap, Whois  etc number of tools for this but you can do this simply by Mozilla.

Follow these steps :  
  • Open Mozilla Firefox and visit that website from which you want to gather information.
  • Now Open Next Tab and Type about:cache 
  •  You will see the following list

Memory cache device

Disk cache device

Offline cache device

  • Down below the “Disk cache device” click on the link that says “List Cache Entries.

    here you can see a brief history of the sites that you visited. Click on your target site’s link and it will display you the server type along with its version in a clear text, also you ca find the packet Header, Request method whether it is a Post or Get.
    and down below you can analyze the payload of the datagram shown in hexa-decimal values.

     Hope this is informative; If you like then don't forget to comment.

    Be  a real Hacker - PROFESSIONAL, and change the trend of HACKING. 

    Thanks and regards :

      Sahil Mahajan.

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