January 23, 2011


Welcome to (HACKING begins - "An approach to introduce people with the truth of HACKING"), Hello friends, today I'll tell you how can you turn off your system in less than 5 seconds, this is an easy and effective way to turn off system quickly, We all know that when we turn off system it takes lots of times to shutdown
window, many of people use HIBERNATE option to avoid this but i found an easy way by which you can turn off window quickly less then 5 seconds.

Follow these steps                                                      

  • Open "Task Manager" (ALT+CTRL+DEL)
  • Click on "Shutdown" option.
  • Press CTRL key when you select Turn off option.(Within 5 seconds or less your system will be turn off) 
Safety Tip: Do not use this trick if your system show any error while shutting down.

Note: This trick is applicable for Xp not for Vista and Window 7.

Hope this is informative, kindly post your views and suggestions or comment on it.

Be  a real Hacker - PROFESSIONAL, and change the trend of HACKING. 

Thanks and regards :

  Sahil Mahajan.


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