January 22, 2011


Welcome to (HACKING begins - "An approach to introduce people with the truth of HACKING"), Hello friends, today in my article I'll tell you how can you protect your BANK ACCOUNTS and E-MAIL ID's  from being hacked. In our daily life Internet become fastest way to connect with world. Now all the banks
provide facility for NET BANKING, NET BANKING is an easy way to managing bank accounts. and . Being able to check your bank and savings accounts online, make transfers and pay bills 24 hours a day is now part of modern life. NET BANKING is an easy, latest or fastest way for banking these days. Yes online banking provides us each and every features for banking but along with that it made very good chances for hackers to steal money in a many ways. Now HACKERS found many ways to hack your online bank accounts from past years many cases found of hacking of bank account.

Follow these tips to secure your ONLINE BANKING          

  • Do not log in from any other link
Some times many websites provides links to access your online account more securely & safely but there may be possibility of fake page or phising technique used inside the page that transfer your confidential data directly to bad guys, You can find that they can create 100% clone type page similar to the official website of bank.and can hack your accounts no and password.. Always login by entering the official website.
  •  Never respond to emails that request personal information
We often found many e-mails (phishing emails or other spam) in our mail id's to click this visit link and enter your account number and password or fill your credit card number because of security reason from banks, never respond to that e-mails. E-mail forging is an also an technique to Send fake e-mails used by hackers.
  •  Make your password difficult to crack 
When you create your password, make it at least 6 characters long. Include at least one capital letter, one numerals (0-9) and one special character (like @, #, $, etc). This makes the password very difficult to crack.
  • Keep your password top secret and change it often
 Keep changing your password time to timeChanging passwords often helps in protecting your account even if you may have disclosed it to someone.
  • Never use cyber cafes to access your online accounts
  PCs at cyber cafes may be infested with viruses and Trojans that can capture and transmit your personal data to fraudsters. Beware of typing passwords on unknown PCs.
  • Always use online virtual keyboard
Always use virtual keyboards to enter password or account number in log in page because these days hackers got sniffing tools like KEY LOGGERS which records your all activities done using keyboards by you.What the entered software record it and send a email automatically to the hacker along with a record of key pressed by you on keyboard. Always use virtual keyboards that provided by bank websites or On screen keyboard to enter your account no. & password by clicking mouse character by character.
  • Delete cookies and sign out
If you are using your online account on unknown computers then always remind to delete cookies and sing out your account after using.
Hope this is informative, kindly post your views and suggestions or comment on it, Have a safe and secure BANKING from HACKING begins. You can also use these tips to secure your e-mail id's.

Be  a real Hacker - PROFESSIONAL, and change the trend of HACKING. 

Thanks and regards :

  Sahil Mahajan.


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