December 28, 2011


Welcome to "HACKING begins - An approach to introduce people with the truth of HACKING". Today i tell you how can you find someone ip. I have a PHP script to make it easier for you to find the IP address of the remote computer of your choice. Here is a step-by-step process to find out the IP address. 
This is a very simple and effective way to hack IP kindly follow steps. 

Step 1. Download IP FINDER script

Step 2 . Create a Free Hosting Account in

Step 3 . Extract the IP_Finder.ZIP file and upload the two files ip.php and ip_log.txt into the root folder of your hosting account using the File Manager.

Step 4 . Set the permission to 777 on ip_log.txt.

Now you are all set to find the IP address of your friend or any remote computer of your choice. All you have to do is send the link of ip.php to your friend or the person with whom you’re chatting. Once the person click’s on the link, his/her IP address is recorded in the file ip_log.txt.

Suppose you open a new account in with the subdomain as victim, then your IP Finder link would be

You have to send the above link to you friend via email or while chatting and ask him to visit that link. Once your friend clicks on the link, his IP address will be recorded along with the Date and Time in the ip_log.txt file. After recording the IP address, the script will redirect the person to so as to avoid any suspicion.

Be a real hacker - PROFESSIONAL, and change the trend of HACKING.

Thanks & Regards:

Sahil Mahajan


  1. i have a query sahil.the person IP will dynamic and after sometime his IP will change automatically is it usefull for us after sometime.amd how can we harm victim of that IP

  2. Well Tarun IP is very valuable for finding the network or subnet mask. Yeah after some time Dynamic IP is changed but only when victim turn restart modem. Suppose we Install a Trojan on victim Pc so if we want to connect with that PC we need IP to connect.

  3. ok thanks.but how can we check remote PC is online.i have used netstat command but couldn't understand.there are so many services open like listning , foreign address local address.i have just put ip address of victim but it shows so many result can u plz explain this

  4. this tricks is great working,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  5. sir how to send the link of ip.php to the victim,and where it could be found.if any one know's answer me please..


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