March 12, 2011


Welcome to "HACKING begins - An approach to introduce people with the truth of HACKING", Today in this post I'll tell you how can you restrict the log in hours of  users. If your system is used by multiple users or if you want restrict the log in hours of each user then this post is for you to fix it. This is a simple hack which
allow you to restrict user for specific time and disallow user to access system without permission.

Follow these simple steps :
  • Click on Start Button, then Run.
  • Type CMD.(It will open command prompt)
  • Type NET USER.
  • Multiple user displayed on screens.
  • Select user, which you want to restrict log in hours.
Lets us example with USER : JACK, SCOTT, BILL, these are three user accounts in a system. type

1 - net user JACK /times :M-S,08:00-17:00

2 - net user SCOTT /times :M-S,8am-5pm

3 - net user BILL /times :all (this one means this user can always log on at any time)

 Note:You can only restrict when a user can log on to the system. On a stand by computer, there is no way to force a user to log off when their hours expire, without a third party script or software.

Hope this is informative, kindly post your views and suggestions or comment on it.

Be  a real Hacker - PROFESSIONAL, and change the trend of HACKING. 

Thanks and regards :

  Sahil Mahajan.

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